John Kanzius
Machine / Cancer Cure / Radio Waves
Part 1
What if we told you that a guy with no background in science or medicine, not even a college degree has come up what maybe one of the most promising break throughs in cancer research in years? Well, it’s true! And if you think it sound improbable, consider this: he did with his wife’s pie-pans and hotdogs. His name is John Kanzius, and he is a former business man and radio technician who built a radio wave machine that has cancer researchers so enthusiastic about its potential. They’re pouring money and effort into testing it out. Here is the important part, if clinical trials pen out and it still a long way to go, the Kanzius machine will zap cancer cells all through your body without the need for drug or surgery and without side effects none at all, at least that’s the idea.
pen out: to succeed.
The last thing John Kanzius thought he ever do was a try to
cure cancer, a former radio and television executive from
Did it really make you terribly sick? Very sick, I couldn’t sleep at night. I said, there’s gotta be a better way to treat cancer. It was during one of those sleepless nights, the light bulb went off! When he was young, he was one of those kids who built radios from scratch, so he knew the hidden power of radio waves. Sick from chemo, he got out of bed, went to the kitchen, and started to build a radio wave machine. Started looking at a covered knives I saw prying pans, and I said these are perfect, I can modify these. I was laughing! It was unbelievable! It’s a comedy.
His wife, Mary Ann, woke up that night to a lot of banging and clamoring. I was concerned truthfully that he lost it. She felt sorry for me. I did! I mentioned to him: Honey, the doctors can’t, you know, find the answers to cancer, how can you think that you can? That’s what we wanted to know, so we went to his garage to find out.
This is it? This is the laboratory? This is the laboratory. Oh my gosh. Look. This is one of his very first machines. And here’s how it works. One box sends radio waves over to the other creating enough energy to activate the gas in a fluorescent light. That I can see the radio waves turning the light on? Then, he put his hand in the field to show us that radio waves are harmless to human. No, wait a second, you put your hand in there and nothing happened. Nothing happens, no. So right from the beginning you’re trying to show that radio waves could activate gas, exactly, not harm the human anything else? Yes, exactly. Cause you’re looking for some kind of treatment with no side effects. That’s what in your head. No side effects. But how could he focus the radio waves to destroy cancer cells?
That was the next 64,000$ question. The answer would cost much more than that. He spent about 200,000$ just to have this more advanced version of his machine built. He knew that metals heats up when exposed to high powered radio waves. So what if a tumor was injected with some kind of metal and zapped with a focused beam of radio wave? Would the metals heat up and kill the cancer cells, but leave the area around them unharmed? He did his first test with hotdogs. I’m gonna inject it with some cupper sulfate. Now what you’re trying to show that just where you were with cupper salt in, then nothing else will heat up. Then I’m going to take the probe right in that injection site to show us temperature. Kanzius placed the hotdog to his radio wave machine and we watched to see the temperature would rise in one area where metal solution was injected and nowhere else. When I saw it start to go up, I said “Eureka, I’ve done it!” I said that I gotta shut this off and see whether still its cold down below so I shut it off, took my probe, went down here where it wasn’t injected, and the temperature drop back down, then I said, God, maybe I got something here!
Kanzius thought he found a way attack the cancer cells
without collateral damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation. Today his inventions are in laboratories of
two major research centers, the
To be continued to the second part.
내일 스크립트 2편을 올린 후, 이 사람 (John Kanzius)과 그가 발명한 이 기계가 갖는 의미와 진실, 어려움과 희망에 대해서 좀더 자세한 설명을 올리도록 하겠습니다. 어쩌면 인류에게 큰 도움이 되는 발견이 될수도 있습니다....