- Reviewing
the previous lessons on basic stress patterns
- Learn
a couple of new but practical patterns with more examples
언어가 살아있는 생물이라고 말하듯, 영어의 리듬감은 사람에 따라, 상황에 따라 그 패턴이 다양하게 변하게 됩니다. 일반적인 규칙은 규칙일 뿐, 동일한 사람이라도 당시의 심리상태에 따라 이런 패턴을 언제든지 변할수 있습니다.
그러므로 일반적인 규칙을 염두에 두시고 이런 스트레스 패턴의 변화를 따라잡고 더 나아가 말하는 사람의 심리상태까지 파악할수 있다면 단순한 의견교환이 아니라 그 뒤에 숨겨진 그사람의 마음까지 읽어낼수 있습니다.
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Lesson 9a
Learning the rhythm
of another language is not necessarily easy thing to do. That’s why I created this follow up lesson on
rhythm. I thought it would be helpful
for you to have additional practice with stresses on phrases and at the
sentence level. We’re going to begin by reviewing
those rhythmic patterns I presented in Lesson 8. And then I’m going to share a couple of new
ones with you.
Here are the lesson objectives. [listen & see screen]
So if you’re ready now, let’s get started…! [Listen & see screen]
Let me make a quick note here about numbers. Numbers like 13, 14, 15, so on have shifting stress, meaning it can be first or second syllable. Now, when we count the stress’s on the first syllable. In my test here thirteen is part of phrase and it’s the last word in a phrase. It’s the last word before a pause. In this case, we shift the stress to the second syllable. If thirteen is not the last syllable in a phrase, then we tend to put stress back to first syllable. So if I said, I was a thirteen years old, stress’s on the first syllable. Understand? Let’s go on.
In this example, I did not stress the word ‘many’. Many is content word, but because we have too many content words together, there is better flow if ‘many’ is not stressed. So the resulting rhythm is 1-2-3-4.
Here I did not stress the verb ‘like’ although like is a content word. The flow is little more natural without stressing all those content words in the second half of the sentence. Now, sometimes you can read the sentence with more than one pattern and still sound natural. For example, I can chose stress in the second half of the sentence, only like and people. The result would be like this… That is very fast tempo because now I know stressing two content words in that final thought group. Both ways are natural and both ways are acceptable.
Here we did not stress hair. Here fifteen is at the end of phrase, so the second syllable’s stressed. Also here in is not a preposition, not a function word, it’s an adverb, it’s part of phrasal verb, be in, so we’re going to stress it because in is at the end of the sentence. It’s at the end of thought group*. (* thought group에 대한 비디오 2개가 다음주에 올라올 예정 입니다.)
Here the stressed words create a contrast.
We’re not done yet, please go on to next part of this lesson.
All right, you’re ready to learn / a couple of new rhythmic patterns now. [Listen & see screen]
How did I know that the words in blue will receive primary stress? Watch, in the first sentence, all is the new information, so the final content word is dance. And then the next phrase, an elegant hairstyle, hairstyle is an old information, so the content word left to stress is elegant. And the next phrase, a special hairstyle is old information, cost is the only content word left to stress. Now we have a question. An old information is about cost. The final content word (to stress)? Much. In the next question, it’s all new, our final content word is know. Now let’s look at the final sentence: it contains a lot of old information. The only new phrase / is one hundred dollars, the final content word is dollars.
Were you able to predict the words that receive the primary stress? Here’s how you should’ve separated the old information from the new.
There’s just bit
more practice to do, so please go on to the next part of this lesson.
Lesson 9c
The following exercises are for general practice. They’re designed to help you to develop the sense of rhythm in the English language. Now, it maybe enough for you just to listen and repeat after me. But you might also find it helpful to clap along. If you watched my pronunciation lesson 3 when I used the children’s rhyme to teach rhythm, I clapped along. [Listen & see screen] Do whatever helps you feel the rhythm, you can clap, you can snap, you can tap your feet. If it helps you to feel the rhythm, do it while you practice.
This is a long sentence, so what you might do is to break into thought groups and then practice reading the last thought group the one before that, and then the one before that. [Listen & see screen] Let’s practice doing that together. Here, three main thought groups. Now let’s read them in reverse order. [Listen & see screen]
Now in this exercise, instead of breaking a long sentence into thought groups in going reverse order, we’re going to take a simple sentence in expanded. It will get fuller and fuller. I’m going to exaggerate the rhythm, so that you can clearly hear it. I’ll say each statement two times and then you’ll repeat after me. Let’s begin. [Listen & see screen]
Let’s say that final sentence one last time, but trying looking away from the screen. Imagine you’re talking to one of your friends, and then simply you wanna say, All of his clients will get good haircuts. Does that sentence come out natural and smoothly? Good , let’s go on!
Our final exercise is more conversational in nature. It reminds you that there is the connection between oral reading and free speech. All of that oral reading that we’ve been doing in previous exercises is eventually going to help you become more natural in conversation. You start to transfer all of these rhythmic patterns into your own free speech. And as a result, you’ll sound more natural.
That’s all for
now! Thanks for watching and happy studies…!
- 마지막 파트에 소개되는 리듬감 연습방법을 이용해서 많은 연습만이 완벽한 리듬감을 느낄수 있고 또한 자신의 말하기 영어능력 향상을
보장 합니다…!
리듬감을 익히는 최고의 방법은 여기서 배운 요령으로 자신의 목소리를 들으며 직접 반복에 또 반복 연습하는 것입니다.
말하기 영어와 듣기 영어는 절대 따로 떨어져 있는 것이 아닙니다. 말하면서 듣고 또 말하는 반복을 거치면서 조금씩 리듬에 적응하고 사용할수 있게 되는 것입니다.
English Pronunciation - FAMISHED - #241
가장 최근에 올라온 토플 프리테스트 시리즈 비디오를 들어 봅니다. Alternative Dispute
Resolution (ADR)에 대한 내용으로 경영학 과정의 강의 입니다. 재미있는 내용으로 생각 합니다. 단지 경영뿐 아니라 사회생활에서 흔히 만나게 되는 회사간의
분쟁을 어떤식으로 풀어 나가는 것이 유익할지 알아봅니다.