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English Pronunciation

English Pronunciation "A" Lesson


Hello, I’m Grant your on-line English teacher.  Today, we are going to learn how to pronounce the letter A.  The letter A has three sounds: it has a long A, a short A, and a soft A.

First we’re gonna look at a long A: the long A sound sounds like aaaa.  When you make the long A sound, you want to open your mouth, like smile.  Your teeth should be apart, your lips should be apart, so you say aaaa.  Some samples of long A words are Able, Late, Great, Fate. So those are long A. 

Next we’re gonna look at short A: short As are normally found in small or short words.   Some samples of short A words are Cat, Bat, Sat, Fat.   When you make the short A sound, you want to do the same thing, open your mouth, like smile.  Your teeth are open, your lips are apart.  So you’re kind pulling your mouth side.  So again some sample words are At, Far, Rad, those are short A.

Next we’re gonna look at soft A: a soft A is found in words like Father, Lawn, Awful, Taught.  When you say the soft A, you want to say it.  So your mouth opens more like a circle, and you’re coming from your chest.  You might say “ahh” when you see something cute.  “Ahh, that’s a cute baby.”  “Ahh, that’s beautiful.”  So the sound is “ah”. 

I hope you enjoyed the lesson how to pronounce the letter A.  Keep practicing at home and have a great day.   


English Pronunciation "E" Lesson



Hello, I’m Grant your on-line English teacher.  Today, we are going to learn how to pronounce the letter E.  The letter E has two sounds: it has a long E sound, a short E sound. 

First we’re gonna look at a long E sound: the long E sound pronounces just like the letter.  To pronounce the long E sound, you open your mouth wide, pulling your mouth apart, and your tongue should be touching back of your teeth.  So you sound like eeee.  Some samples words with long E sound are Meet, Been, Seen, Dean.  Those are the long E sounds.

Next we’re gonna look at a short E sound: the short E sounds like “ae”.  When saying e sound or the short e, your mouth is not as wide.  It’s more like ‘ae’, more round, and your tongue is still touching the back of your teeth.  So you sound like ‘ae’.  Some sample words with the short e would be Bet, Dead, Fed, Said, Led.  That is the sound with short e.  

I hope you enjoyed the lesson how to pronounce the letter A.  Keep practicing at home and have a nice day.    

English Pronunciation "U" Lesson


Hello, I’m Grant your on-line English teacher.  Today, we are going to learn how to pronounce the letter U.  The letter U has two sounds: it has a long U sound, a short U sound. 

First we’re gonna look at the long U sound: the long U sounds like woo, woo.  To make the long U sound, you pull your lips together, and your mouth squeeze like woo, woo, woo.  It sounds like if you taste something like a lemon, and you don’t like taste, you might say, woo, woo.  So some sounds or words with long U sound are Glue, a cow will say moo, and some other ones are Shoe, Through, Flute.  So those are the long U sounds.

Next we’re gonna look at the short U sound: the short U sound sounds like “”.  To say the short U sound, you want to open your mouth, “”.  It sounds like you were hit in the chest or stomach, you might say “”.    So some words with the short U sounds are Cut, But, Flood, Blood.  So those are the short U sound.

I hope you enjoyed the lesson how to pronounce the letter U.  Keep practicing at home and have a nice day.    

Just for Fun....