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기초영어듣기/숙어와 슬랭

English Idioms - White Colour 영국숙어



Learn and practice English Idioms built on white color

영국식 관용표현들의 대부분이 그대로 미국에서도 통용되지만 일부 표현은 그렇지 않기도 합니다만, 영국식 숙어에도 영국인들의 생활에서 묻어나온 재미있는 표현들이 있습니다.




Hello, I’m an very interesting and intelligent man.  Today, I and color white will be teaching you some English idioms.  I bet you have never …  Ah, the world..!  Such a beautiful place…!  Uh.. how filthy..!  The environment is really important.  And if we don’t take care of environment, then something really bad will happen.  For me it’s a black and white.  In English, if something is easy for someone to understand what’s wrong and what’s right, we say, it’s “a black and white”.  It’s… it’s black and white.  Uh, so it is..!   It really is, black and white! 


It’s good thing I don’t get scared very easily because this place is not very nice.  What do you mean I’m a white as a sheet?  In English, if someone is very pale because they are ill or shocked or scared, we say that is “a white as a sheet”.  Oh, come one ~  I’m brave! I love rollercoasters for example.  That’s huge.. well here I go ~  That was a real white-knuckle ride!  In English, if something is very exciting or scary, we call it “a white-knuckle ride.  Like my lessons, they are real white-knuckle ride, oh yeah… so exciting, yeah .. oh, where did everybody go?  Hello, where have everybody gone? 


  • pale, a. Whitish in complexion; pallid. 창백한

  • a white-knuckle ride. 이 표현은 단 한번도 들어본적 없는 것이지만, 다른 두개는 자주 듣고 사용하는듯 합니다.





American Slang & Idioms - CUT FROM THE SAME CLOTH




내일은 오늘에 이어 같은 BBC에서 제공하는 생활숙어들 중 유명한 영국의 차 (Tea)에서 유래한 숙어들을 배워 봅니다. 은근히 재미있네요…. J