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Breakfast at Tiffany's trailer

오늘은 골치아픈 수학으로 그동안 지친 머리를 식히는 의미로 오드리 헵번 주연 영화 타파니에서 아침을이란 영화를 맛보기로 하겠습니다.  1961 영화이니 벌써 거의 50년이 영화입니다.  그러나 오드리헵번의 매력적인 모습은 여전 합니다.   즐거운 주말 되세요…!  

Won’t you join me? 

Yes, join Audrey Hepburn as you’ve never seen it before, kicking over the traces and bring in to life Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s.  

I never could do that!  Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightely, who typifies and glorifies the glamorous play mates of this dizzily spinning world as she and George Peppard breath through the glitter and shimmer of this New York as it has never been captured before. 

You have a special invitation to attend Audrey Hepburn’s open house on the wildest night (of) New York ever knew!  

Timber….!        Yes.         Availing eh? 

Tell you one thing frank, darling?  I’ll marry you for your money in a minute.  You marry for my money?   In a minute!  So I guess it’s a pretty lucky night neither of us is rich, huh?  

Please darling don’t start looking at me like that.  Holly, I’m in love with you.  So what?  So what?  So plenty!  I love you, you belong to me.  No, people don’t belong to people.  Of course they do.  Never let anyone put me in a cage.  I don’t wanna put you in a cage.  I wanna love you! 

Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard (are) searching for love in the big town, but sharing only part of their lives until they find a deep, warm moment of truth, but can’t be hidden even by the odd ball antiques and brittle surface of New York.   

Audrey Hepburn Gap Commercial

High Definition Video English Pronunciation - DE FACTO - #220