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Basic Math Skills : Multiplying Fractional Exponents

Now, I’m gonna show you how to multiply fractional exponents.  Let’s take the number nine raised to one half multiplied by sixty four raised to the one third.  The exponent one half represents a square root and the square root of nine is three.  The exponent one third represents the cube root and the cube root of sixty four is four because four times four times four is sixty four.  Now the problem is reduced to three times four equals twelve.  This can be shown to be true because to reverse the operation, we’re squaring so three squares equal to nine which checks out (or even out), four cubed is four times four times four is sixty four.  So this shows our method is correct, and the answer to this problem with fractional exponent is twelve. 

Now I’m gonna show you how to multiply numbers with fractional exponents, the improper fractions.  Let’s take nine to the one half, and multiply by eight to the three half.  Now three half is the same as one point five, which is the same as eight times itself one and a half times.  So, eight to the three halfs equals eight to the one point five will just equal to eight times four to the eight times itself once and times half of itself.  Again that’s thirty two.  So eight to the three halfs is thirty two, nine to the half is three because three is square of nine.  This is how you multiply numbers with fractional exponents with one on ending improper.                 


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