Lesson 4b - WISH and HOPE - Common Mistakes in English
Let’s study these examples:
I wish we had a Christmas tree.
-- This use of the simple past means in
truth, we don’t have a Christmas tree.
I wish we were flying first class
-- This use of the past progressive
means in truth, we are not flying first class.
I wish I were with you right now.
-- This use of the past tense of be
means in truth, I am not with you right now.
Note because we are dealing with unreal situation, we use ‘were’ for all
persons. I wish I were, I wish you were,
I wish he were, I wish she were, and so on.
This usage is similar to what we’ve seen in unparole condition if you’ve
seen my other lessons. OK, let’s look at
the last example.
I wish I could sing you Christmas
carol, but I don’t remember any.
-- Here, the use of could plus a base
verb means in truth, I can not sing you a Christmas carol. [See screen]
I wish we could spend Christmas at
-- This use of could plus a base verb
means in truth, we can not spend Christmas at Grandma’s because of some
reason. That’s not our plan.
I wish Charlie would tell me what he
got me for Christmas.
-- This use of would plus a base verb
means in truth, Charlie won’t tell what he got me for Christmas. And here the last example,
I wish you weren’t going to work on
Christmas Eve.
-- Here, the use of ‘weren’t going to
do something’ means that in truth you are going to do this. You are going to work on
Christmas Eve.
(여기서 제니퍼쌤의 발음상 강조-intonation-가 ‘are’에 있음을 느끼시나요? 이렇게 강조를 해 줌으로서 이런 행동을 하는 ‘you’를 강조 내지는 원망의 뜻이 담기게 되는 것입니다. 이런 미묘한 뉘앙스의 차이가 전체 문장의 느낌을 대변하는 중요한 방법입니다.)
Let’s look at these two examples: [See
Here, the use of the past perfect means in truth, I didn’t go to the McSteen’s party. And the second example, [See screen]
The use of could have plus past perfect
tense, seen, means in truth, you were not able to see us. [See screen]
But, note, this usage is very
formal. [See screen]
I’ll tell you the truth; you make the
statement using a wish. [See screen]
제니퍼쌤은 선생님 하시기엔 너무 이쁘지 않습니까? 근데 놀라운 사실은 서양의 아가씨들은 나이들어 가면서 그 변화하는 정도가 너무나 커서 어릴 때 사진을 가끔 보면 그 큰 차이에 깜짝깜짝 놀랍니다….